A man of few words, The FEMAN shares his thoughts with you on this web site.
A veteran of aerobic sport since 1988, The FEMAN has raced at many distances in those years. However, he
finds nothing more fun than putting the hurt to his fellow Troublemakers by grinding them down on the
bike. Following Fast Eddie's mantra to "put it in the big ring" he's been known to hammer that big gear until
his legs and everyone else's cry out for mercy.
Enjoy your time on this site and take away some joy for life that you can share with others.
Take a gander at the FEMAN gallery... |
In 2007 The FeMan turned 60 and was treated to a new ride. Not a tri-ride, but a fun ride, harking back
to childhood and simpler times. But, this was not your typical child's ride, but an adult toy version. Note the simple
gearing, the color accents, the classic beauty. Check it out.
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