The world famous Fast Eddie |

Fast Eddie is well known for riding his companions into the ground,
grinding them up and spitting them out all the while he's "hurting".
He's also famous for sweating. Riding behind him is like riding in a rain shower.
A tale will tell the story.
In the summer of 1998 The FeMan, Fast Eddie,
and The Hammer rode together on the
Death Ride.
Nearing the last (and fifth) summit after
16,000 feet of climbing, The FeMan thought he could beat Fast Eddie in a sprint to the
summit of Carson Pass.
He put the pedal to the metal.
It seemed safe; the summit was not visible around the curve. The FeMan
knew where it was, Fast Eddie didn't.
Fast Eddie answered the challenge and was King of the Mountain on that
day. That epitomizes his spirit and strength.
In 2004 Fast Eddie completed his 21st consecutive Ironman Canada, a record we should
all strive for. He's been accompanied in this quest by two other athletes: Dick and Ed.
The three are known as the 'Dick-Eds' and are part of the lore of Ironman Canada.
View his special cap in detail.
View a movie of Fast Eddie at Ironman Canada.
Fast Eddie has been known to be one of the biggest sandbaggers and secret trainers around. He may say anything to soften you up for the kill. Don't let this happen to you. Study his handy phrasebook to find out what he really means when he speaks.
Fast Eddie is the KING. Here he is in his royal carriage.
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